Steve's Heart Attack Story

Jun 6, 2019

Cardiac Patient, Heart Attack Survivor: Steve Crump and his wife, Piedmont Medical Center 

Anyone who knows Steve Crump will tell you he is an incredibly dedicated worker, so much so he will work thru sickness without a thought. On the day of Steve’s heart attack, he came home from work early because he was in severe pain. Rhonda, his wife, knew immediately there was something seriously wrong and they went to the emergency room.

The minute Steve walked into the Piedmont Medical Center ER a nurse was able to identify that he was having a heart attack. Doctors and staff were able to treat the blockages in his arteries in time to deter any long-term damage.

heart attack survivor Steve Crumps and his wife in piedmont medical center lobbyRhonda feels a strong connection with the doctors and nurses they have encountered. “It has been nothing but first class for us,” she says. “We have been treated like human beings and not a number.”

Steve has been a patient at Piedmont Medical Center for 30 years, “my first time here was in 1985.” He has seen the great changes that have come about at PMC, “The hospital has gone one hundred percent in the right direction,” says Steve.  “I would recommend it to anyone in the area.”

 Steve and Rhonda are grateful for the quality of care Piedmont Medical Center has provided them over the years and the support has helped them keep an optimistic attitude about life. “You’ve got to think positive,” says Steve, “and not take things for granted,” adds Rhonda.

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