Piedmont Medical Center is not offering outpatient COVID-19 testing at this time. If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms to include fever, cough, or shortness of breath, and need treatment for COVID-19 or any other medical emergencies, we are able to evaluate you at our Emergency Department in Rock Hill or Fort Mill. If you are not having any symptoms and are seeking outpatient COVID-19 testing ONLY, please refer to the DHEC website for updated information on testing sites within the state.

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About Piedmont Medical Center

Established in 1983, our 288-bed full service hospital serves the residents of York County and beyond. As your premier healthcare system, we are committed to ensuring that all patients have access to the highest quality of care. Through innovative programs, collaborations and technological advances, we continuously expand our scope of services to meet the needs of our growing community. We’ve been recognized for our growth and leadership, and we’re very proud of the numerous accolades and designations we have received from our industry.

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News & Announcements

Piedmont Medical Center Kicks Off Annual “Healthy Over Hungry” Cereal Drive

May 31, 2024

ROCK HILL, S.C.― One in six children struggle with hunger, but there is a way you can help. Piedmont Medical Center is leading a community effort to make sure families have a healthy breakfast during the summer months through its annual Healthy Over Hungry Cereal Drive. The drive kicks off Monday, June 3, and runs through Friday, June 14.

Piedmont Medical Center locations, along with area first responder agencies in York County will be collecting boxes of healthy cereal that will be donated to the non-profit agency, Pilgrims’ Inn in Rock Hill. Departments within Piedmont locations plan to battle it out to see who can collect the most servings of cereal, all with the same goal in mind, to make sure families have a healthy breakfast option during the summer.

“At our hospitals, we understand that a healthy breakfast is crucial for the well-being of every person, especially children”, says Teresa Urquhart, Market CEO over Piedmont Medical Center Rock Hill, and Piedmont Medical Center Fort Mill. That’s why we are proud to be a part of the Healthy Over Hungry Cereal Drive to help Pilgrims’ Inn support families in need. By providing nutritious breakfast options, we can help families start their day with the energy and nutrients they need to thrive.”

In 2023, Piedmont Emergency Services donated 2,816.11 pounds of cereal to Pilgrims’ Inn.

“The cereal drive from Piedmont Medical Center is a blessing every summer”, said Lemeila Crockett, Emergency Assistance Coordinator for Pilgrims’ Inn. Breakfast is the most important part of the day and since children are out of school for summer break, they may not have access to a healthy breakfast option. This drive meets that need. The donations can last Pilgrims’ Inn up to six months.”

The Healthy Over Hungry® initiative was founded in 2010 by registered nurse, Pam Taurence. Pam was a nurse at Children’s Hospital of Michigan in Detroit. Pam and her fellow nurses noticed that many of their youngest patients were losing access to school-based nutrition programs during the summer months. Pam rallied her fellow nurses and her community to help the children and families struggling with hunger, and out of that collaboration, the cereal drive was born. Since that time hospitals and facilities within Piedmont’s parent company, Tenet Healthcare have joined the fight, and have adopted their initiative company-wide, partnering with food banks and distribution centers across the country.

Cereal Drive drop off locations: 

  • Piedmont Medical Center – Rock Hill – 222 S. Herlong Ave., Rock Hill
  • Women’s Center – Rock Hill – 222 Dr. Frank Gaston Blvd., Rock Hill
  • Piedmont Heart & Vascular Center – 222 S. Herlong Ave., Rock Hill
  • The Women’s Diagnostic Center – 218 S. Herlong Ave., Rock Hill
  • Piedmont Medical Center – Fort Mill – 1000 Wellness Wy, Fort Mill
  • Gold Hill Emergency Department – 995 Gold Hill Road, Fort Mill
  • The Imaging Center at Baxter Village – 506 6th Baxter Crossing, Fort Mill
  • City of York Fire Department – 14 N. Roosevelt St, York
  • Tega Cay Fire Department – 1195 Stonecrest Blvd, Tega Cay
  • Rock Hill Fire Department, Station # 2 – 924 N. Cherry Road, Rock Hill

What’s cereal without milk? A complete nutritious breakfast also includes dairy, fruit, and vegetables, and a lean source of protein such as eggs. For those looking to support the Healthy Over Hungry Cereal Drive monetarily, donations can be made June 3-14 to Pilgrims’ Inn by clicking here. here.

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